Posts from April 2013

Most Recent from April 2013

Nanoc, Unicode and UTF-8

When using Nanoc, if you get weird characters in your HTML in place of some special characters or accented letters, you may well need to change your character encoding.

An example is ÔÇö instead of — (an em-dash).

First check your source file is in UTF-8. For example, you can use the Encode in UTF-8 without BOM ...


Building a simple banner heading effect using HTML and CSS

Add a bit of style to headings or other information with a pure HTML and CSS banner effect.

Let's look at how to create the effect used in this box. First we need some sample HTML to use in our examples:


CSS: top, right, bottom, left

Do you ever forget what order sizes should go in CSS? The answer is top, right, bottom, left. This applies to styles like border, margin and padding. It is possible to use border-top, border-right, border-bottom, border-left and so on...


Rotating things with CSS3

askew on Google search
A new angle on Google search

Have you ever wondered how to make things a little askew as G...
