By tag: S3

Set content expires and cache-control metadata for AWS S3 objects with Ruby

You can set the HTTP Expires and Cache-control headers for S3 bucket objects with the Ruby SDK for AWS. This will help site performance by enabling browsers to cache content which is not updated frequently such as stylesheets, javascript files and images.

This assumes you already have the AWS Ruby SDK installed.


How to enumerate the items in an AWS S3 bucket with Ruby

You can iterate through the items in an S3 bucket and print the names with this Ruby snippet. It assumes you already have the AWS Ruby SDK installed. Remember to set the details for your_access_key, your_secret_access_key and bucket_name as appropriate for your bucket.


How to give access to an AWS S3 bucket with IAM

Amazon’s AWS IAM (Identity and Access Management) can be very useful for a number of things. You can create a user and grant access to an S3 bucket in order to be able to use the API to manage the bucket instead of the AWS console web interface.

First go to...
